Rhythms Of Life

Volcanic rock, 40l x 30w m (131' x 98')
Atacama Desert, Chile  (22°54’05.35”S  68°17’42.39”W)
Located at an altitude of 2,603m on the Salt Mountain Range which rises from the Plain of Patience and forms the head of the Valley of the Moon.

Satellite images © DIGITALGLOBE®

Ancient Language

Volcanic rock and clay, 80l x3h m (263' x 10')
Atacama Desert, Chile (22°52’20.60”S  68°18’30.48”W)
Based on an ancient petroglyph found in the region.

Satellite images © DIGITALGLOBE®

The Ancients

Volcanic rock and clay, 90l x 90w m ( 295' x 295')
Atacama Desert, Chile (22°53’20.00”S  68°17’35”W)
Based on a pictureglyph attributed to the Tiwanaku culture known as Lord of the Sceptres. Its stone walls are 1200 metres long.

Satellite images © DIGITALGLOBE®

Rhythms Of Life

Volcanic rock, 40l x 30w m (131' x 98')
Atacama Desert, Chile  (22°54’05.35”S  68°17’42.39”W)
Located at an altitude of 2,603m on the Salt Mountain Range which rises from the Plain of Patience and forms the head of the Valley of the Moon.

Satellite images © DIGITALGLOBE®